Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vegetable CSA Squash Varieties

To you Life on the Farm blog readers: this post is a little out of the ordinary. I am hoping to have a regular blog post up soon, but for now you are welcome to enjoy photos of our bountiful harvest of squash.

To our vegetable CSA customers, welcome to our blog if you haven’t been here before. I thought that I would help you sort out the different varieties of winter squash that you’ve received by adding photos for each variety.


Burgess Buttercup Squash:



Table Queen Acorn Squash:


Red Kuri Squash:



Delicata Squash:


Sugar Dumpling Squash:



Waltham Butternut Squash:



Spaghetti Squash:IMG_7874 

Baby Pam Pie Pumpkin:

IMG_7871 (OK, it’s not a squash but…)

Hopefully this helps!