Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spring is Here and Summer Is Close on Its Heels!

     128 - CopyLife on the farm has picked up its pace.  With the season of new life comes the privilege and responsibility of caring for the new life.  

     068The first batch of chickens is now on pasture and the second  batch is just a couple of days old. We all enjoy these cute yellow fluff-balls, as we call them for they look like walking plush toys. They soon grow though and lose their young beauty.

     We recently purchased five heritage breed day-old Bronze turkeys as an experiment on many levels. Part of the experiment is buying them as day-olds. We have heard that turkeys can be hard to raise the first couple weeks of their lives. Unlike the chickens, the hybrid turkeys are purchased at three weeks of age so raising turkeys from birth is new to us.

     055We have a new Jersey dairy cow now whom we named Hendrika. She just gave birth to Joe Henry, a very cute fawn coloured bull calf. Hendrika is also nursing an orphan Lincoln Red calf, so now we have Bobby the beef calf and Joe Henry the Jersey calf. =) Hendrika, Joe Henry and Bobby are out on pasture now and grazing within the dandelions.We are all happy to have fresh Jersey milk. MMMM

     As I am writing, my Dad and Uncle are loading cattle to take to pasture over at my grandfather’s farm. These are mostly the mama cows and their newborn calves. When finished today, we will have seen most of the cattle out to pasture to graze for the summer.

  104This brings you up to date on our life on our farm. Next time I’ll tell you about my brothers’ summer projects as well as my market garden.