Saturday, October 1, 2011

Summer has Slipped Away

     Summer has slipped into autumn and farm life has slowed slightly. We just got back from a few days away, (another perk of homeschooling; taking holidays at the end of September!) As much as we all love the farm it was nice to get away for a few days.



Photos from this summer:

098Our two pigs, Apple a Berkshire and Chocolate Chip a Berkshire/Tamworth cross (left to right respectively), enjoying a corn husk meal.

094Hendrika & Joe Henry

223  Bobby

212  Preparing winter feed.

458Onion flowers: Unexpected beauty.

 096Onions drying in the sun.








127My youngest brother who is six years old raised six laying hens again this year. My eleven year old brother raised 30 laying hens. He also grew gladiolas and some corn that he sold husked, washed and ready to be eaten.



434Tomatoes waiting to ripen.


Swiss Chard ready to be harvested.


  433Sunflowers brighten up the garden.

452 Fruits of autumn


072 - Copy Cows on pasture

119 Boys enjoying the dandelions

This doesn’t show all the hard work and sweat of summer but it does show what we are proud of.

Happy Thanksgiving!